Fake Memorial Day Outrage

I don’t watch Fox “News,” but I do troll Twitter and see others who keep an eye on that channel. I saw this gem from Aaron Rupar:

The hypocrisy over there is absolutely shameless. Below is the offending tweet from Vice President Harris:

So Fox’s position is that it is “disgusting” to suggest enjoying a long weekend – or at least this long weekend. BUT, if you are going to enjoy it, here’s some drink ideas.

The Vice President also sent this message on Twitter:

So, here’s the deal from my perspective. It’s a long weekend. Not everyone feels the personal loss of a Service Member, and I don’t think it’s reasonable to demand everyone spend the weekend in a somber mood. Others feel that weight of loss very deeply, yet our Service Members who fought and died did not do so so that the rest of us would be miserable. I survived my combat tours, and I remember those we lost. I also celebrate life. If I had died in combat, it would have been fighting to make sure others could live. I don’t think my ghost would begrudge anyone enjoying the day. Just spare a thought for those for whom we take the day off if you didn’t experience a personal loss.

For Fox’s part, they want to cynically use this day of remembrance to attack a political opponent while still treating the day like any other day off. Fuck Fox News.

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